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I want to visit Second Chance Farm. Can I just stop by?Unfortunately, we are not open to the public. We do our best to make ourselves as available to the public as possible, however, this is our family home and for our personal privacy and safety (as well as the safety of the animals) we are NOT open to the general public to visit. We do allow approved adopters to come to the farm but we do not allow people to just stop by to meet us or our animals. We try to make ample opportunities each year for our beloved supporters to meet with us at fundraisers or public events. Additionally, we post daily and allow our supporters to follow the journey of each animal in our care from within our home on our social media pages. Your respect and understanding is greatly appreciated.
Are you a nonprofit / 501c3 and is my donation tax deductible?Yes! Second Chance Farm is a registered 501c3 charity and your donations are tax deductible.
I found a stray, where do I bring it or can I bring it to you?"Second Chance Farm does not accept stray animals and we encourage you to take the animal to your local animal control that holds the contract with the city you found the animal in for the best chance in reuniting them with their family. There are laws in each county which allow time for a family to reunite with their lost animal companion and it is very important to us that we follow those laws strictly so that the animal has the best chance of finding their way home.
Do you spay & neuter your rescues?Yes, all of the animals in our care are spayed or neutered unless it is medically deemed unsafe for surgery because it poses a danger to their life. Thankfully, this is very rare.
My pet needs surgery but I cannot afford it. Do you help pay medical bills?At Second Chance Farm we strive to help the animals that are not owned or have someone to advocate for them. As a 501c3 Nonprofit Charity, we typically do not pay for medical costs incurred by owned animals.
What is your adoption process and how can I adopt?Anyone interested in adopting an animal from Second Chance Farm can complete a thorough application which can be found on our Adoption Page. Second Chance Farm prides itself in matchmaking, not only the animal with the right home, but the adopters with the right animal. Once an application is approved, the next step is a home check, reference checks and at that point if everything has passed, a meet and greet with the animal of interest. We will do our best to find the perfect animal to fit your family!
What are your adoption “fees”?Second Chance Farm currently offers their adoptable pets on a case by case scenario to approved adopters. Some of our rescues cost us up to $5000+ for medical treatments and supplies to rehabilitate. However, due to the nature of our rescue and the generous donations of our supporters, we do not adjust the adoption fee based on what an individual animal has cost us in taking care of their needs.
How can I see who you have available for adoption?We are an in-home rescue focused on major medical, special needs and hospice cases. We provide every animal that comes to our farm complete care and attention while we get them ready for adoption, if possible. Some of our animals become permanent residents and live out their best lives at our home on the farm. We share some of our adoptable pets online but we do prefer to matchmake. Many pets who come into our care may become adoptable at any time to the right home. We do post our rescues on social media daily, some are currently accepting applications, some are pending adoption and some are not quite ready to accept applications while we get to know them and what their needs are. We HIGHLY suggest people become Farm Fan followers on our Facebook page so you can get to know who is in our care as we do post updates daily.
I have pet food, medications, kennels, etc to donate. Where can I do that?"When Second Chance Farm is in need of a specific item, we add it to our Amazon Wish List & share it on our Facebook page as well! You can check our Amazon Wishlist by clicking the Amazon logo at the top of our website.
How do I donate to your Amazon?Second Chance Farm has an Amazon Wish List and we do encourage people to donate items on that list. Click the Amazon logo at the top of our site to view our Wish List. If you are an Amazon Smile member, Second Chance Farm is a recognized charity on their Amazon Smile list to choose from as your beneficiary each time you make a purchase.
I would like to donate, how can I do that?"Donations are the lifeline of how we are able to do what we do at Second Chance Farm. Without the generosity of donors, the number of more animals we would be able to save and provide the much needed love and care would be severely low Donations save lives & we are eternally grateful for your support. Donations can be made directly on our website by going to our Donate Now page.
I would like to foster, how can I do that?"If you'd like to foster one our animals, please fill out our Foster Application.
I would like to volunteer, how can I do that?"Volunteering is a selfless way to help bring much needed care to our animals. Second Chance Farm is highly selective of volunteers as we would be inviting you into our home to care for our loved ones. This will require extensive training to learn our routine and get to know the animals on our farm. If you are passionate about our cause and interested in lending a hand, please fill out our Volunteer Application.
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